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Cancer - My Chemical Romance

 "Cancer" is the single belonging to the American rock band, My Chemical Romance. Released in 2006, the song was on the eighth track list on MCR's third studio album The Black Parade. The song "Cancer" has also been covered by the duo Twenty One Pilots which was released in 2016 on their compilation album titled Rock Sound Presents: The Black Parade.

The first form of the tune is written in the key of E major with a typical time rhythm of 70 beats each moment. The vocals length from E4 to A5 in the melody. 

A four bar connect entry before the last chorale incorporates a translated citation from the 1958 Buddy Holly hit Raining in My Heart. Its harmony movement (highlighting a trademark rising chromatic figure) is profoundly suggestive of that from the section of Raining in My Heart while the vocal line intently coordinates with the musical example and pitch substance of the Bryant and Bryant-wrote melody. The whole tune was written in a short time.

Key signature
4 sharps
File type
File Size
98 kb

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